Easy Peanut Butter Fudge with Saltines!
NeedTaste |Yep saltines. I was a little skeptical at first when I found this recipe but I gave it a try and it was so easy and very tasty. It doesn't have the consistency of fudge made with marshmallow but it is still good. Hope you give it a try.. Salty, sweet and oh-so-good A terrific addition to any bake sale or holiday spread...
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2 cup(s) sugar
2 tablespoon(s) butter
1/2 cup(s) milk
1 cup(s) peanut butter
1 - sleeve saltines
- note a sleeve is equal to 30 crackers or 4 ounces
1 teaspoon(s) vanilla extract
2 tablespoon(s) butter
1/2 cup(s) milk
1 cup(s) peanut butter
1 - sleeve saltines
- note a sleeve is equal to 30 crackers or 4 ounces
1 teaspoon(s) vanilla extract
Place the sugar butter and milk in a saucepan and heat on medium until it starts to boil. Stir occassionally. Once it starts to boil boil for 1 minute only and remove from heat. Be very careful as the liquid will be extremely hot. If it is lukewarm you didnt bring it to a boil. tir in peanut butter saltines and vanilla. Mix well. Pour into a greased 8 x 8 pan and chill. Cut into bite size pieces. ote To crush the saltines just stick them in a plastic storage bag and roll a rolling pin over them. The key word here is crushed. You want them fine not in junks. nnAdditional Note you can add choc. chips during the second stage also. Others have tried this recipe using different butters as in almond butter and nutella. Have fun with it. It is a very versatile recipe.